Born from the ashes of the hellish French Alps, Fäust, leaded by Michaël Hellström, just delivered it's first record. "Death from Beyond" is an epic Black Metal album influenced by the Scandinavian scene and bands such like Dissection, Necrophobic, Watain, Sacramentum... From the majestic opening "When Death Spawns Fire" to the epic ending "Hellstorm", this album is real trip through darkness and chaos. With the second single "Night Eternal", Hellström shows his abilities with the songwriting to create cold, obscure but really melodic pieces. The album was recorded in Soulreaper Studio (France) by Michaël Hellström, mixed and mastered in Hellpass Studio (Brazil) by Marcos Cerutti. "Death from Beyond" is made for all those who worship the glorious Scandinavian scene from the 90's. Sharpen your scythe, enter the darkness and beware the Death from Beyond.