Formats and Editions
1. Main Title: Legends of Azeroth
2. The Shaping of the World (Exclusive Track)
3. Legacy (Exclusive Track)
4. Song of Elune (Exclusive Track)
5. Echoes (Exclusive Track)
6. A Call to Arms
7. Seasons of War (Intro Movie)
8. Stormwind City (City Theme)
9. The Undercity (City Theme)
10. Thunderbluff (City Theme)
11. Darnassus (City Theme)
12. Iron Forge (City Theme)
13. Elwynn Forest (Ambient)
14. Duskwood (Ambient)
15. Orgrimmar (City Theme)
16. Dun Morough (Ambient)
17. Burning Steppes (Ambient)
18. Shimmering Flats (Ambient)
19. Felwood (Ambient)
20. Stranglethorn Vale (Ambient)
21. Tanaris (Ambient)
22. Teldrassil (Ambient)
23. Tavern (Intro Cue)
24. Moonfall (Intro Cue)
25. Ruins (Intro Cue)
26. Temple (Intro Cue)
27. Lurking (Intro Cue)
28. Sacred (Intro Cue)
29. Graveyard (Intro Cue)
30. War (Intro Cue)
More Info:
World of Warcraft is one of the most iconic names in gaming. For decades now, players have spent countless hours exploring every nook and cranny of Azeroth, taking down Old Gods, plundering ancient tombs for treasure, and building lifelong friendships and memories along the way. For World of Warcraft Classic, Blizzard faithfully recreated pre-Burning Crusade WoW in order to bring players back to a time before the proliferation of social media made interacting online with others a part of our daily lives. Whether you're a tank, healer, or DPS, you can never forget the hours spent in Azeroth - and the music that accompanied those magical adventures.